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  Sunday Homilies from our favorite priests
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  HomilyHistory has 6 main sections, listed on the left hand edge of the page:


The "Search" function looks through all of the homilies on the site for the entered text. Enter any word (or words) in the "Search all Homilies" box and click "Submit". A list of all homilies that contain any of the search words wil be returned.

Note: Search words must be at least 4 characters. Common words that are found in more than half of the homilies will be ignored when determining the results.


The Home page has a brief "Welcome" message, a "Featured Priests" section, and a list of the most recent additions. Click on a priest's name (in the "Featured Priests" section) to bring up the page listing his homilies. Click on the "View" button (in the recent additions list) to bring up a page with that specific homily.


This gives a list of the priests whose homilies are available here. Click on a priest's name to bring up the page listing his homilies. Click on the "View" button of (in the list of homilies) to bring up a page with that specific homily.

Use the "Filter" box to reduce the displayed rows to those that match the entered text. (This filters on the displayed columns - not on the text of the homilies.) Click on a column header to sort the results by that column. Click on the same column header a second time to change the sort order (ascending/descending).

Contact Us     

This gives the e-mail address to send us any comments, questions, or suggestions.

About Us     

This explains how and why this site was started.


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